The spiritual foundation of our youth is a priority at St. Luke's. We help children develop an early framework in faith.
Teen Christian Formation helps youth grow in faith during the transition from childhood to adulthood.
Our adults stay active and engaged in faith through adult Christian formation.
We love children at St. Luke’s, and we are always working on new offerings that will meet the spiritual needs of our children! Each Sunday during the school year, we have Children’s Christian Formation following our service. Our curriculum offers fun and engaging ways to learn.
Bring your kids and invite their friends to our classes and youth groups so we can all grow together in our love for Christ.
St. Luke’s has several offerings for teens. Once a quarter we have a youth-led service. Each Sunday during the school year, we have Christian Formation following our service.
We have an active youth group, that aims to provide fun and fellowship with opportunities to serve others and grow in Christ. Youth Group meets 5:30-6:30 p.m. every Wednesday at the church during the school year. Food and drinks are served. Occasionally, the group meets elsewhere. Please follow the youth InstagraM account @StLukesYouthAda and Remind app @eek4fck for more information, contact the parish office.
College Programs: This group implements ways that St. Luke’s can be a presence at East Central University. We welcome students back at Howdy Day. We also look at how we can support our own college students.
Adult Sunday School: Adults meet at 10:30am in the Green Room. This course uses a diverse number of study aids, including DVDs and books of special interest. Throughout the year, offerings will change!
Education for Ministry: EfM is a 4-year program of Christian education and formation offered through Sewanee Seminary. The members meet weekly, except during the summer months, with new students being accepted into the group in September.
Adult Formation Committee: This committee meets regularly to discuss topics for Adult Forum and other formation possibilities throughout the year.