We believe that worship changes lives. We come together in the presence of God to sing, praise and give thanks. The Holy Eucharist is celebrated every Sunday at 9am, and every Wednesday at 6pm.
Holy Baptism
Holy Baptism is full initiation by water and the Holy Spirit into Christ’s Body, the Church. The bond which God established in Baptism is indissoluble. It is one of the most joyful events that we celebrate together. A 30-day notice is requested prior to baptism in order to insure proper preparation of the candidate and sponsors. Baptisms are not scheduled during Advent or Lent, yet this rule may be waived in the event of an emergency. The Episcopal Church does not offer private baptisms, but if you have special circumstances, please contact us and we will do what we can to try to make this sacrament available for your family.
The laying on of hands by a Bishop is the sacrament by which the baptized accept the baptismal promises made at their baptism and are renewed by the Holy Spirit. Confirmation classes begin in January, with Confirmation usually taking place in late Spring.
Holy Matrimony
When couples marry at St. Luke’s, it is understood that they intend to form a Christian marriage and that they will have an ongoing relationship with the church following the wedding. To that end, it is required that any couple wishing to be married in the church attend Sunday services in an Episcopal congregation for six months prior to premarital counseling.
Christian Burial
In times of grief, the church hopes to be there to support those who have lost someone they love. Please contact us about the death of a loved one as soon as possible, so that arrangements can be made in consultation with the funeral home and clergy. For those choosing cremation, St. Luke’s offers niches in the Columbarium for the interment of ashes.